Mobile Lymphedema Therapy Winnipeg Manitoba

Mobile in-home lymphedema treatments in Winnipeg, Manitoba

After 10 years of working as a Registered Massage Therapist, I transitioned into mobile therapy for lymphedema patients. Recognizing a growing need for specialized care in the lymphedema community, I was motivated by a passion for making a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals facing this challenge.

Lymph Therapy MB

Providing mobile lymphedema and lipedema therapy in Winnipeg.

Primary Lymphedema

A chronic condition characterized by impaired function or development of the lymphatic system, leading to the accumulation of lymph fluid and subsequent swelling.

Primary Lymphedema is often caused by inherent abnormalities in the lymphatic vessels, and it manifests in three main types:

  1. Congenital Lymphedema — Present at birth
  2. Lymphedema Praecox — Emerges during puberty or early adulthood
  3. Lymphedema Tarda — This form occurs after 35 and is less common

The management of primary lymphedema focuses on alleviating symptoms, reducing swelling, and enhancing the individual’s overall well-being. Treatment may involve a combination of strategies such as lymphatic massage, compression therapy, exercise, skincare, and, in some cases, surgical intervention. Long-term care is crucial for managing the impact on daily life.

Mobile Lymphedema Therapy Manitoba

Whether addressing primary or secondary lymphedema, I am here to customize the right treatment plan for you. Typically, this involves lymphatic massage, Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT), and education on the importance of movement and self-care. The best treatment plan suited for you will be determined during the initial assessment.

* Please wear loose fitting clothing for the initial assessment

Secondary Lymphedema

A condition characterized by the accumulation of lymphatic fluid, leading to swelling in specific areas of the body, often caused by damage to the lymphatic vessels or nodes.

This damage can result from various medical inverventions or conditions, with common causes including:

  1. Cancer treatment
  2. Infection
  3. Trauma or injury
  4. Chronic venous insufficiency
  5. Inflammatory conditions

The management of secondary lymphedema focuses on reducing swelling, improving lymphatic function, and enhancing overall quality of life. Treatment may include lymphatic massage, compression therapy, exercises, skincare, and, in some cases, surgery.

Mobile Lymphedema Therapy Manitoba

Whether addressing primary or secondary lymphedema, I am here to customize the right treatment plan for you. Typically, this involves lymphatic massage, Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT), and education on the importance of movement and self-care. The best treatment plan suited for you will be determined during the initial assessment.

* Please wear loose fitting clothing for the initial assessment


A chronic condition characterized by abnormal fat accumulation, primarily in the lower limbs and sometimes in the arms. It often occurs in women and is believed to involve a genetic component.

Unlike general obesity, Lipedema typically results in disproportianate accumulation of fat in the hips, thighs and lower legs while the feet remain unaffected. Common features:

  1. Bilateral swelling
  2. Tendency to spare the feet
  3. Pain and tenderness
  4. Easy brusing
  5. Progressive in nature

The cause is not fully understood but hormonal factors and genetics are believed to play a role. The condition is more common in women and often becomes more noticeable during puberty, pregnancy or menopause.

Management typically includes compression therapy, lymphatic massage therapy, exercise program, self-care education and somtimes surgical intervention. Early diagnosis and proactive management can help improve symptoms and enhance the overall quality of life for individuals with Lipedema.

Mobile Lipedema Therapy Manitoba

Lipedema is the accumulation of fat cells, typically seen in your legs but can also occur in  your arms. Treatment typically includes lymphatic massage, Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT), and education on the importance of movement and self-care. The best treatment plan suited for you will be determined during the initial assessment.


Book an initial consultation to address any questions about lymphedema or lipedema therapy.